Activities for Safety & Security
Activities for Safety & Security
Our main business is related to submarine cable operations in open seas, underwater and with surface seafaring vessels, which carries with it inherent risks. Therefore, Safety First has always been the most important issue in our business operations, and various measures have been established around this concept.
Since 2004, we have reviewed our Safety and Security Measures to cover the newly expanded business fields, formulating them into activities to reduce and eliminate all operational risks for both marine and on-shore engineering. Not only does it cover the prevention and the recovery from accidents and natural disasters, but it covers the protection of customer services and information, securing of system security, prevention of unlawful or criminal acts, compliance with corporate ethics, prevention of environmental pollution and others, to provide comprehensive safety and security measures.

(1) Measures for Safety, Security, & Health Safety Measures
Safety Measures
Enhancement of activities to prevent accidents in both marine and on-shore engineering operations (Specific examples are as follows)
Safe management of vessels, emergency training, etc.
- Conduct safety patrols and inspections
- Create manuals for correct and safe equipment operation and operational procedures, which are widely available to all our employees through the intranet. Collect examples of near-miss incidents, record, analyze and publicly release them.
- Conduct employee safety education and KYT (danger prediction) activities.
- Establish a Safety & Hygiene Committee, hold conferences to promote safety and prevent vessel disasters.
- Conduct safety training courses together with partner companies.
- Initiate special measures for this fiscal year: Safety measures for Overseas Construction Projects.
Health and Hygiene Measures
Activities aimed at the creation of healthy mind and body of each and every employee that are essential to ensure safe workplace and safe operation.
- Maintaining the ethos of a Comfortable Workplace under the Creation of a Comfortable Workplace plan
- Activities for the management of the working environment
- Health management activities
- Activities to maintain mental health
- Conducting of first-aid courses
(2) Activities to Protect the Environment
We conduct the following measure based on an environmental plan.
- Prevent of ocean pollution.
- Promote recycling.
- Reduce waste materials.
- Promote conservation of resources and energy.
- Conduct enviromental activities.
(3) Infomation Security
For appropriate use of information assets, such as customers' information, NTT World Engineering Marine places ensuring information security as important task and establishes security management system for entire organization, all business, and all employees to keep improving security measures. NTT World Engineering Marine has got ISMS (ISO 27001) certification on March 29, 2011. NTT World Engineering Marine will keep going on ensuring information security to respond to the customers' need for information security.

(4) Internal Audits
We conduct internal audits with the object of strengthening internal control and information security management as priority issues.
(5) Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015)
[Scope] The design of cable routing , installation and maintenance for submarine cable systems.(Tokyo Location & Yokohama Location & Nagasaki Location)
(6) Compliance, CSR Structure
We are conducting various measures in line with the laws and regulations related to the new internal control systems and compliance, such as the new Companies Act and the Whistleblower Protection Act.
- Determining the basic policy for the development of internal management system. (June 2006)
- Renewed compliance, establishment of CSR committee (June 2006)
- Establishment of internal whistleblower protection rule (July 2006)
- Establishment of Information security policy (July 2006)
- Inquiry Counter Activities
- Information transmission from the management to employees, and its familiarization.
- Coordination with the compliance policy and activities with NTT (Communications).
*1. We define the word, "safety," in a broad sense, and position it as a foundation of our business activities and the source of securing the trust of our customers, and have established and implemented the Safety Master Plan.
(7)Joint use of information relating to procurement business partners
Privacy Policy Joint use of information relating to procurement business partners
- Shared use by NTT Group companies related to business partners' contact person information, etc.