Activities to Enhance of Resources
Activities to Enhance of Resources
The resources required for the successful operation of the Company are tangible and intangible assets, such as facilities and expertise, the capital and financial strength represented by cash flow, and the ability of the Company and its employees to carry out business operations. Of these resources, the Company considers the ability of the Company and its employees to carry out business operations to be the most important management resource, and is taking measures to strengthen and develop it. (Establishment and Implementation of the Mid-Term Resource Enhancement Strategy.)
The Mid-Term Resource Enhancement Strategy was officially started in fiscal 2005. It included the implementation of training programs for employees to learn the core skills required for both marine and on-shore engineering operations coupled with the attainment of both internal and external qualifications. It also included the creation of workplaces that provide job satisfaction and the creation of new career paths to meet changes in the market environment. For this fiscal year, Resource Enhancement Strategy Master Plan 2009 has been laid down and is being implemented.

List of major licenses & permits held by the Company (as of Apr 2014)
Type of construction work permitted under the Construction Business Act:
Electrical work, telecommunication work, general civil engineering work, scaffolding, earthwork and concrete work, dredging work, plumbing work and water facilities work
Ship Operational Safety Related Certifications
ISM Certification (International Safety Management)
ISO Certifications
- Design of cable routing, installation and maintenance for submarine cable systems.
Registered Warehouse Operator, Ship Leasing, Consignment Transport Carrier License
List of major licenses & permits held by individual employees of the Company (as of Apr 2014)
Under the Construction Business Act
Managing engineer for civil engineering work, managing engineer for piping work, manager of electrical work, chief telecommunications engineer, etc.
Related to Ship Navigation
First, second and third class maritime officers (navigation), first and second class permits for boat operators, etc.
Related to Ship Operation
First, second and third class maritime officers (engineering), etc.
Related to the Ship Radio
First, second and third class maritime officers (telecommunications), first class radio operator for general services, maritime third class radio operator, maritime category I special radio operator, maritime radar category special radio operator, supervising radio operator
Related to Ship Health Control
Ship health controller, galley attendant, licensed cook etc.
Related to Special Qualifications for Connecting Submarine Cables etc.
UJ jointing specialist, PGU specialist, chief of X-ray operations, boiler operator etc.
Related to Maritime Survey
Assistant surveyor, hydrographic survey engineer, etc.
Related to Telecommunications Construction Work
Installation technician (analog & digital), chief telecommunications engineer
Related to Project Manger Certification
PMP certification etc.
Related to Safety and Hygiene
Health supervisor, RST trainer, KYT trainer, hazardous materials officer, fire prevention manager, fire defense officer, chief of operations involving specified chemical substances, etc.
Internal auditor
Related to Power Generation and Broadband
First and second class engineer for servicing marine engines, technical engineer for private power generating facilities, refrigerant recovery technicians, special class chief electrical engineer, etc.
Related to Safety Operations.
Chief of natural ground excavations, chief of shoring operations, chief of scaffolding assembly operations, chief of gas welding operations, arc welding operator, forklift operator, trained sling worker, second class operation chief of anoxia hazards, mobile crane operator, guard boat officer, diving safety officer, etc.