We achieve our mission at NTT-WE Marine through the implementation of two major measures, securing of safety and security, and the enhancement of resources.
About our Corprate Social Responsibility Charter(CSR)
NTT (Holding Company) announced the NTT Group CSR Charter in June 2006. Based on the basic policy indicated in this CSR Charter for the NTT Group, we have established our own CSR , through discussions in-house committee meetings and other forums.
It is our belief that securing safety and security and enhancing resources is essential in the realization of our mission, and is essential for the company to fulfill its social responsibility. Safety and security includes safety, IT systems security, internal control, internal audit, compliance and environmental protection. Enhancing resources involves enabling employees to master professional skills, creation of a workplace that provides job satisfaction, enhancement of human resources, such as the creation of career plans and initiatives to strengthen environmental improvement. We believe it is our resopnsibility to develop these initiatives, with the understanding of our customers, our employees and from all our stakeholders across society.
An outline of our two major measures is given on the pages, "Activities for Safety and Security," "Activities for the Enhancing Resources," and "Environmental Activities," located under the "Corporate Information" page.