
Business Guide

Business Guide

Submarine Communications Cable Service

Submarine communications cable service is our core business and we have over 100 years experience in the construction of undersea cable. We provide various services, such as the design of submarine communications cables,permitting, negotiation with fishermen unions, marine surveys, construction and laying of cables, etc.

Submarine Communications Cable Service

Services other than Submarine Communication Cable Service

Using technology associated with submarine communications cable service, we provide various services for observation cables, CATV cables, laying of pipelines and ocean bottom surveys.

Services other than Submarine Communication Cable Service

Marine Broadband Service

Much attention has been paid to the introduction of IT to vessels. We accept any inquiry about the introduction of IT to vessels in general, including maritime broadband communication.

Marine Broadband Service

Power Plant Service

In addition to implementing regular inspection to prevent troubles from occurring, we provide various services to improve the quality of emergency / non-utility / portable power generators and maintain their functions.

Power Plant Service

Please contact us for consultations and document request.

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